
Sunday 30 June 2019

Empower & Support

It’s 1.42 am in the morning and as usual I can’t sleep.  So I thought I haven’t written on my blog for 2 days , unfortunately it was a matter of MAN DOWN or in my case WOMAN DOWN ..... for the past 2 days I was unable to move the pain was too much , my fingers looked like pork sausages they were swollen and painful, this is Fibro playing silly games with me .... telling me  “ M you have had 2 days where you managed to enjoy the sun and your garden , I think I need you to drag you back down to reality “ .    So here it goes , while resting I thinking .. why did I start this blog ? I started it to give me a purpose and to focus on the positive things I have in my life .   In reality I would like it to be much more than this ! I would like to Empower & Support women with my life experiences and professional experience.  So this is something I am going to put out there for you ; Do you need support in the following areas :
Depression & Anxiety
Chronic illnesses
Multiple miscarriages
You just have to contact me and I’ll try my best to support you , and possibly signpost you to relevant agencies . This is FREE by the way , i would like to support people like I used to , my professional background is as a Young People & Adults Mentor and Parents Advisor . I have also gone through
all the areas I have listed . All you need to do is contact me ( obviously confidentiality will be respected ) . One truth I found out , about myself since having fibromyalgia , is that I miss helping others . I will also start sharing a little more about my self .... this is a journey I feel I needed to do .

Friday 28 June 2019

One day at a time

Just thought I would post one last post today , and I guess it’s for all my fellow Fibro warriors, spoonies and all women with chronic illnesses. Today was a good day and for this I’m am so grateful....tomorrow will see,  it’s unknown,  this is how we live , we don’t know how the next day will be .. we don’t know how the next hour will be.    You see most of us won’t sleep much at all tonight , due to pain , restless leg syndrome, and various other issues that come with our conditions. We get ready for bed usually with help , we take all our medication for the night , put our morphine patches on or lidocaine patches to numb the pain , and we lie there thinking will the pain ever stop .  In the  morning we will try and have a good day again .... and that’s just it WE WILL TRY , because we don’t give up , we will always try to do our very best to smile ( even if we are in agony ) we usually put our mask on ......some of us have small children, some of us live with our parents , some of us will have a partner , we try our best not to be a burden ..... And until we keep on trying..... there will always be HOPE . This is a little insight in the life of a fibromyalgia sufferer....that still goes to bed dreaming .
Much love M x 

Surrounded by happiness

Wow !!!! There aren’t many days where I can say I woke up feeling calm and happy ..... but today is one of them , it is just stunning outside !  The garden is just blooming with beautiful flowers ... such beautiful colours that make me feel calm ... and for this  very moment I feel I haven’t got a worry in the world . I feel so grateful for days like this , you learn to appreciate all the little things that surround you . Today is just going to be about enjoying the day  , not going to write much I’ll just leave you with some pictures that’s I have taken . I’m slowly getting used to sharing my life , it still doesn’t come easy to me , but I’m getting there , I hope to share more in the future , maybe in the hope to support and empower other women that have gone through or are going through similar experiences as I have .
Take care M x

Thursday 27 June 2019


Another beautiful day this morning ! Doesn’t it make such a difference to be able to open your curtains...and there it is the SUN ☀️. We undervalue how the weather can effect us , the weather can really lower my mood to the point that my anxiety and depression effects my body , my thoughts  and how I view things in general. SAD ( Seasonal Affected Disorder )  this is the condition that effects quite a lot of people in the UK to the point they have to take medication.

As it’s a beautiful day I thought I would introduce you to who helps me on my bad days and good days . Even on my very worse day he manages to put a smile on my face , he gives me unconditional love and I could not be more grateful to the Universe and my son ( who bought him home ).. that this little mad , crazy , funny ,hyperactive little soul came into my life !  I can honestly say not sure I could have got through the last 8 months without him

This is RICO ! When he arrived into our life we just fell in love with him , we didn’t know what kind of a dog he was , we found out he is 75% Brewer Terrier and 25% Jack Russel . He doesn’t look very happy in this picture , he had just had a fur cut . ( not happy at all )

Today I am grateful and thankful for Rico , for loving me unconditionally, for waking me up with all his kisses , for making me feel less lonely and just for just always being there for me ,  for being my friend , for accepting all my flaws and my health conditions, for never judging me , for loving me just the way I am .

Much love M x

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Being a Mother

From the title of my post , you might think what on earth is she on about! ...... This evening my only child .... yes my precious boy ( 19 years old 😬) is going to Ibiza on holiday with all his friends !!!
I can’t even begin to tell you the afternoon that I have had , packing the suitcase with him , making sure he had his sun protection creams so not to burn , paracetamol.. because I know he will need them . Next I made him pinky promise  to phone his grandparents in Italy to let them know he is ok , then he will have to call me everyday just to make sure he is ok . So after all the promises that he probably won’t keep ........ the time came that he had to go with his big  suitcase to meet his friend, this is when you start thinking 🤔 where did my bambino go ......the realisation just hit me ! It is me that has attachment issues , he is my only child and he is a rainbow 🌈 child , but while waving goodbye to him I also realised , the best gift I can give him is set him free ... he is a young man now and I can only pray that all the principles that I’ve taught him have been useful .  While I walk back inside the house I am still making a list in my head of all the things I packed for him in is wash bag , toothpaste, toothbrush , Paracetamol, hay fever tablets... yes he has got everything......but wait a second , something was missing , the most important item when you go on a lads holiday  ......🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Goodnight M x

Ps I remember reading somewhere that our children are never ours to keep , they are just borrowed , we are preparing them for life x

I would welcome comments from mothers with similar experiences 🙂

Saturday 22 June 2019

Glorious Day !

Wow !!! What a fabulous day , feel  so thankful...... when you suffer from various chronic illnesses conditions and you suffer from insomnia , you start your day already tired , you take your 30 tablets or so and then you hope hope for something different.... you hope for something that will make  you smile ...... you hope that you you can get through the day without a migraine and manage your pain .... but when you wake you up and you can see sunshine coming through your windows, I just automatically smile , this means I can go and enjoy my garden .
Flowers and plants for me mean LIFE they mean growth , they mean happiness and awakening. This I can say is my therapy to my anxiety and depression, I love sitting early in the morning with my espresso coffee just breathing in the fresh air , taking in all the smells from all the new buds coming through.  I love especially the smell from my White Wisteria ..... it’s just delightful.

I have learned to always be grateful to one thing every day , today I am grateful for today , I am grateful for the Sun , the enjoyment of being happy by just looking at the little red rose bush coming through . What have you been grateful for today ? I would love to know .

As I’m new to this blogging experience, I’m keeping my posts quite short at the moment as I get quite tired , I’m hoping to get better and better especially proofreading, as I do make many mistakes, I don’t pretend to be a writer of any sought .  Until next time .

Thankful for today M x

Wednesday 19 June 2019


Today is the first day of my new found purpose. You might think why is this ? .. When you suffer from a chronic illness you become quite isolated , from the bubbly and extrovert person that you once were , you become an introvert , you stop socialising due to the pain and fatigue . This is what I have become .... but I still dream !!! In me there is still a part of me where I would like to dance with my son ! Show him that I’ve still got the moves. Cook a nice meal for my family , and finally ..take care of my parents ( not the other way round ). I had lots of dreams unfortunately some won’t come true , but that’s ok , I am learning to be happy with the little things . I am hoping to be able to give you interesting content...... well there are quite a few experiences that I’m hoping to share with you . I will start by  letting you know my interests , I love Home Decor especially shabby chic and modern furniture  mixed together, love skincare and makeup and also love Gardens and flowers.
Well here is my first post !!!! Hope I haven’t bored you too much 🙂 until next time . M